The Manufacture CLUIZEL was able to create this unique box thanks to its Cacaofèvier® expertise, which gives it mastery of chocolate from bean to creation. The truffles, made from Mangaro Plantation beans, reflect the flavours of this unique terroir in 71% dark chocolate. Melting in the mouth, they reveal the fruity aromatic notes of the mango trees that once populated the soil of the cocoa plantation on the island of Madagascar. At the end of the tasting, their assertive taste reveals the perfect balance: a delicately sweet, cocoa-flavoured flavour. These truffles are the result of the selection of an exceptional terroir, and the joint work of CLUIZEL and the planter. Together, they have determined the ideal fermentation method, which reflects 60% of the cocoa's final aromatic notes. Then roasted at the Manufacture (10 to 15% of the final flavour of the chocolate), they reflect the taste of this unique ancestral land, with the greatest respect for the product and its origin.
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